Thursday, August 13, 2009

Strange Habits

So I am trying to figure out why I like night better than day. Not really. I love wonderfully sunny days. Days like when I was a kid and you could lay out in the grass and look at the blue sky and smell the blackberries ripe on the vine. DAys where you didn't get much done, but that was ok because there were no deadlines and no one pushing you. But I liked staying up then too. (Actually, come to think of it I think my favorite days where when I could cuddle my babies and no one cared how long it took. Those days are long gone!)

It's past midnight. I have cuddled with my husband, come back to the living room and read my scriptures, hugged my youngest daughter, shared some conversation with my youngest son, and waited until my first daughter got back home from institute. Then I spent some time thinking about friends and their influence. Read some blogs and wrote this one.

As I sit here I can hear my son watching a movie as he goes to sleep and the ticking of the clock as time keeps moving on. I'm still not ready to go to bed. Maybe a little more searching on So much information, so little time!!!


  1. Sometimes I like late nights because it offers pure alone time. That's not always the case, but sometimes at night when everyone else has gone to bed is when I get inspiration or even motivation to clean my room! I guess it's because there's no distraction and I could probably get the same effects if I woke up early. Sometimes I think I stay up late because I'm afraid of missing something. I don't like to be the first one to go to bed!!
