At our stake conference the second counselor put it in a way that I just love:
"True followers diligently seek to know His will not because of forced obedience or a check list of rights and wrongs but because they have found the truth, the peace and joy of living and applying gospel principles each day of their life. They have the knowledge that comes from prayer, fasting and temple attendance."
That's the truth, and there's nothing wrong with it. It's not me against you and I am not a brainwashed idiot. I have proven these things for myself and I stand by them not only because I know them but because my Father in Heaven knows I know them.
That being said I want to tell my friends how thankful I am for their willingness to take me as I am and be my friend dispite our differences. I am glad they know there is enough good in all of us to focus on, whether we have the same beliefs or not. I love sharing thoughts and ideas with you.
To my family I hope you know I'd beat the poop out of anyone I thought was trying to hurt you in any way. I'd sell my kidney for you. Eternity with all of you looks pretty great, even though I may need to get away from you every once in awhile! =P
Aren't there moments when the world just infuriates you?