This looks an awful lot like our Molly when she greets us after we come home. She sits at the top of the stairs and smiles at us while she wiggles her little behind and squeals with delight. She always knows when Mark is home and jumps up out of her little doggie bed to rush over and meet him. Of course this picture looks a little more maniacal, or perhaps demonic, than our little dog has ever looked. Her animal of choice is a stuffed toy that looks just like her. She drags it to her bed to sleep with sometimes and has torn it nose off. That's better than the others she has had which are now just little pieces of stuffing all over the house.
It's funny how pets are a lot like people and how we would have a big empty spot in our lives if we didn't have any pets at all.
Of course some of the other things we do when we have lots of time on our hands is play text twist, typing maniac, bejeweled, etc. All in an effort to keep our brains young and healthy =)
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