Tuesday, July 28, 2009


Since there has been such a gap in my blogging I thought I would fill in the blanks and let you know all the exciting activities the Adams family has had this year.

First, in April, Stuart graduated from BYUI. HURRAY!!!

We took several pictures, including some that Laura's friend took of our family jumping for joy, but they are not on my computer so the above picture will have to suffice. Think, Laura, Stuart, Megan, Danielle, their parents and our parents and you'll have a pretty good idea of how things were.

We loaded up all the possessions of one married couple and two single girls into a moving van and headed West to Marysville leaving Megan and Danielle behind due to the fact they were heading to Wales a couple of weeks later. You can catch all the info. about their exploits in London, Wales, Ireland, and Paris on their blogs. Pretty neat stuff.

Meanwhile Stuart and Laura settled in and Stuart went to work for Jansport while Laura went to work on her Photography.Such a talented lady. They have also applied for school at Life Chiropractic in California and are just waiting to hear the good word.

Stuart wasn't the only one with new plans for the future. Josh also graduated this year from MPHS. Those pictures were on my camara so I can share them with you!!! Megan and Danielle had fun sharing this time with him.

This one would have been great if Danielle would have been in it,
but someone had to take the picture!! Josh is with Heather and her family,
we joined in together for the shot.

He looks pretty happy that it's over with. It was a nice
ceremony though. Better than some I have been to.

Man! I need to be more aware of how I stand for pictures. Isn't
it awful that the older you get the more you look like someone you
don't even recognize?

I'm sure the whole time he was sitting there thinking "When's this going
to be over? I've got Grad Night to get to!!!" It's obvious from the picture that
not everyone was paying attention.

This was the first year any of our kids went to the all night grad party at the school. Several of Josh's friends were going so he decided it would be more fun to be with them than do nothing. He had a good time but was worn out the next day. He slept until the late afternoon and then slept again that night.

Even the cat was tuckered out.
(I have to keep this fuzzy blanket on the end of my bed for her to sleep on so she will quit bugging me and keep to herself. She's a fun kitty but boy is she quirky!!!)
So to wrap it up; Josh got accepted to both BYU and BYUI. He decided, however, to stay at EVCC because he did Running Start and has several credits there. It won't take too long to get his Associates Degree and then apply to University of Washington to pursue a degree in the health field. Good Luck to you Josh!!!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

What to do when you have time on your hands.

So Danielle and I were just surfing the internet after a dinner of hot wings, corn on the cob, baked beans and zuccini from the garden, (shoot!!! i just realized I forgot the watermelon in the fridge!!) when I told her that I had seen the cutest pictures on the internet and told her to look for them. She got distracted and started looking at Jack Russell terriers, etc, and then she found this picture....

This looks an awful lot like our Molly when she greets us after we come home. She sits at the top of the stairs and smiles at us while she wiggles her little behind and squeals with delight. She always knows when Mark is home and jumps up out of her little doggie bed to rush over and meet him. Of course this picture looks a little more maniacal, or perhaps demonic, than our little dog has ever looked. Her animal of choice is a stuffed toy that looks just like her. She drags it to her bed to sleep with sometimes and has torn it nose off. That's better than the others she has had which are now just little pieces of stuffing all over the house.

It's funny how pets are a lot like people and how we would have a big empty spot in our lives if we didn't have any pets at all.

Of course some of the other things we do when we have lots of time on our hands is play text twist, typing maniac, bejeweled, etc. All in an effort to keep our brains young and healthy =)