It has been a long time since I really enjoyed tator tots. I remember that they were the longed for item at school lunch. We never filled our pockets with them like Napoleon Dynamite did, but we all loved them.
I had a lot of things to do on Thursday so I was cleaning the house when my hair dresser called and said she could move my appointment from 5:45 to right that minute if I wanted. (10 am) Luckily I had taught Seminary that morning so I was already wide awake and ready to go. Afterwards I decided to just go ahead and run my errands. That was where I made my fatal mistake. I now know why you never shop on an empty stomach. All sorts of things were calling my name in the store as I looked for items to make "healthy" meals. When I went past the freezer section I saw a bag of "mini" tator tots. They won the grand prize, a trip home with me for lunch!!!
They were so yummy, and extra crispy, that I thought I would make a blog about them. I wanted a picture so I went to Yahoo search and typed in Tator Tot images. Some cute and interesting things came up. This was the first image:

Then this cute little guy showed up:
I must say that I think this next one is my favorite though.
The title of the picture was "Life after Coffee", but I think
I can see a bit of myself early on Christmas morning, or on
mornings I go help at Seminary. Or maybe a resemblance
to Yoda? I don't know, but it made me laugh out loud.
I know!!! It's the way Josh looks when you take his place at the table!! ;o) JK!!!
THESE are the lucious nummy tots I was talking about!
They bring back days of nostalgia and fill your tummy, can't get much better
than that!!! They are versitile too. I found out you can make a casserole with
them, and kabobs as well.
Another favorite image of mine with the answer of why dinosaurs
no longer roam the earth....... the mighty cholesterol.
And thats the truth!
No it's not land before time 3,500!
lol, glad you enjoy your tator tots..