Here in the lovely state of Washing ton we often have to look at pictures of the sun to remind us what it looks like and why it's lighter outside in the am hours versus the pm hours. Yesterday I actually got excited because it was 60 degrees and I actually had to take my coat off for a while in the afternoon. We are back to normal today. It has caused me to reflect on some wonderful, glorious times, with our family when we actually saw the sun!

One year we got to go camping with Mark's brother's family and his mom and dad. We went to Bryce Canyon, among other places. It was pretty cool. I enjoyed walking down the canyon with Mark, Josh, Dad, and John. The other kids stayed up on top. It was hot but it was beautiful. I am not a camping person but I really liked seeing all the new places. One of the reason's I don't like camping is the bugs. One night we were trying to eat tacos for dinner and we kept having this huge grasshopper (locust) fly around us. We would bat it out of the way and it would come back. I made a comment about how irritating it was and Mark, taking care of me, smashed it. I couldn't eat after that. Kind of stupid, I know.
That night, as the canyon cooled off, the wind picked up. It came swooshing down through the canyon and the camp ground and the wind was ferocious. The next morning I told Mark how half the night I layed there praying that the tent wouldn't fall down and smother us. He admitted he'd done the same thing. We never knew the other was awake! It really was a fun trip. We did a lot of hiking and other things.

One of our favorite places to be is in Grants Pass at Grandma and Grandpas house. Right down the road they have a sports park with lots of hiking paths and protected waterways. It's really pretty in the spring and summer. They have this little pond with ducks and turtles. I love it when they all come out and line up in the sun. It's just one of the little fun things. I also love it in the spring when all the momma and daddy ducks come out with their little fuzz balls and swim on the pond.
It also reminds me of the year we got to go vacation over by lake Chelan. I actually think it was Perrygin lake. It was fun to relax and the kids caught some fish with Mark and grandpa. We went swimming at the state park and Danielle got her feet washed out from under her by a boat that passed too closely. I was busy with Josh and couldn't get to her. It was Grandma to the rescue! She ran, fully clothed, into the water to grab the back of Danielle and haul her up to the shore. She was sopping wet from the knees down, but Danielle had been saved!
One year on the coast we all went camping but Mark and I chickened out and got a hotel room. We were glad we did. It rained, no poured, all night!!! When we came back to camp we heard about how Michael and Brianna, John and Kara had practically floated away on their air mattresses in the middle of the night because the rain came through the tent. Grandma and Grandpa, snug in their little burrito, had no idea what had happened during the night. AHH! The beauty of a good mattress!!
I can't wait for the sun to come out. Maybe we'll get to go camping with our family again soon.