So many wonderful things to make and do with~ you guessed it~ PEACHES!!!
Can you tell that peaches are one of my favorite foods? They are absolutely, eye rolling into the back of your head, delicious!
The Relief Society at church has a contact with someone who can get fresh fruit for us so we all go in and buy some together. These peaches were so yummy and sweet the juice just dripped right off of the pieces as you put them in your mouth! I had honestly forgotten how delectable a fresh peach straight from the grower tasted. "SIGH" ~ Heaven!

Danielle also wanted to try her hand at baking something. She made a delicious peach cobbler! It was so good the first time that we had her make a second one with the extra peaches from canning. =0)
It's been so fun to hear all the little "ping" noises when a jar seals!! Whoever is in the room at the time shouts out "5" or what ever number just pinged and we all get a little more excited about what we have done together.
On Yahoo today there was an article about what was a waste of money. One of the things listed was spending a lot of money on a new wardrobe or large unnecessary item. It stated that expensive wardrobes with "labeled" items from top name stores did not provide long lasting satisfaction or happiness. What did provide long term contentment was to spend time with family and friends nurturing the bonds we have together. The suggestion was to spend the money on an activity or vacation that provided an opportunity to do so.
I must say that we didn't spend much money today but I have a great deal of satisfaction being able to spend time with my two "peachy" girls and sharing an activity learning something new together (old for me, new for them). It was fun remembering times when I was growing up and grandma or my dad showed me how to do the same thing. The older I get the more I appreciate those simple times together.
Have you ever had times like that? I hope you think of them often and cherish the moments you were able to spend together.