Mark and I went out to dinner and before we were seated I noticed a couple waiting for a table also. They seemed happy and were talking to each other. They were seated just before us. After we got our table I looked across the restaurant and noticed him on the phone as she sat quietly across from him. The whole time they were there he was on the phone and even ate, and not very well thank you very much, while on the phone. (Cheese dripping down the chin and across every surface is not attractive.) Recently there was a comment in our local paper about a man who was watching a family at dinner in a restaurant. The children could not get the attention of their parents while eating at the table because both of them were on their cell phones and tuned out. That's sad.
Since it was Valentine's weekend I told Mark I hoped he never did that to me. We have already had a discussion about how there have been times we were meant to be doing something together and he kept getting texted or was texting other people. It's irritating when you are excited to spend some time alone with someone you care about, or on a family day, and the focus is on the phone not on the time spent together. I love that Megan shuts off her cell when she is with others, or even leaves it at home while on a date. It's great that she gives her whole attention to the person that she is with. Sometimes even Laura and Stuart will take some time getting back to us when we text them. It's fine! The text is there, they will get to it when they can.
Now I know that there are exceptions. I check my phone sometimes when I am with another person because Danielle will let me know ahead of time that she needs some help with something, or if Josh is trying to get a hold of me I know it's urgent. But I really do try my best to pay attention to the person I am talking to. I can always read a text later. I don't want to insult the person I am supposed to be having a conversation with. However it seems that we, as a society, are fostering anti social behavior by not taking the opportunity to speak face to face or by ignoring those who are right there with us, standing in our presence. This morning I was speaking on the phone to my mother in law when Danielle called on my cell. I hit ignore and then immediately sent Dani a text letting her know what was happening. We made arrangements to talk later. Simple.
I also hope that if you were saying your prayers and heard a text come in you wouldn't tell God he had to wait while you checked the message. Sometimes it's too easy to put Him on the back burner for lots of different reasons. In reality, He's the one we need to pay attention to the most. His messages aren't always loud and spelled out either. That's why you have to be still and really listen.