Friday, September 3, 2010

I'm a jammin' one!!!

Peaches ~ Glorious Peaches!!!

So many wonderful things to make and do with~ you guessed it~ PEACHES!!!

Can you tell that peaches are one of my favorite foods? They are absolutely, eye rolling into the back of your head, delicious!

The Relief Society at church has a contact with someone who can get fresh fruit for us so we all go in and buy some together. These peaches were so yummy and sweet the juice just dripped right off of the pieces as you put them in your mouth! I had honestly forgotten how delectable a fresh peach straight from the grower tasted. "SIGH" ~ Heaven!

Thank goodness for my wonderful/beautiful daughters and their helping hands. Today we made 12 -1/2 pint jars of jam and 3 pints of freezer jam. Tomorrow we are planning on some raspberry/peach jam and some pear jam. (Yes we have pears too!) Maybe we'll try some peach mango salsa!!!

Danielle also wanted to try her hand at baking something. She made a delicious peach cobbler! It was so good the first time that we had her make a second one with the extra peaches from canning. =0)

It's been so fun to hear all the little "ping" noises when a jar seals!! Whoever is in the room at the time shouts out "5" or what ever number just pinged and we all get a little more excited about what we have done together.

On Yahoo today there was an article about what was a waste of money. One of the things listed was spending a lot of money on a new wardrobe or large unnecessary item. It stated that expensive wardrobes with "labeled" items from top name stores did not provide long lasting satisfaction or happiness. What did provide long term contentment was to spend time with family and friends nurturing the bonds we have together. The suggestion was to spend the money on an activity or vacation that provided an opportunity to do so.

I must say that we didn't spend much money today but I have a great deal of satisfaction being able to spend time with my two "peachy" girls and sharing an activity learning something new together (old for me, new for them). It was fun remembering times when I was growing up and grandma or my dad showed me how to do the same thing. The older I get the more I appreciate those simple times together.

Have you ever had times like that? I hope you think of them often and cherish the moments you were able to spend together.
(Why did that make me think of bologna sandwiches on white bread?)

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Cell Phone Love

Have you fallen victim to cell phone love??? Are you one of the growing many who can't seem to separate yourself from chatting, texting, googling, etc. via cell phone, even during church meetings? Some advice - learn some control and "love the one you're with!"

Mark and I went out to dinner and before we were seated I noticed a couple waiting for a table also. They seemed happy and were talking to each other. They were seated just before us. After we got our table I looked across the restaurant and noticed him on the phone as she sat quietly across from him. The whole time they were there he was on the phone and even ate, and not very well thank you very much, while on the phone. (Cheese dripping down the chin and across every surface is not attractive.) Recently there was a comment in our local paper about a man who was watching a family at dinner in a restaurant. The children could not get the attention of their parents while eating at the table because both of them were on their cell phones and tuned out. That's sad.

Since it was Valentine's weekend I told Mark I hoped he never did that to me. We have already had a discussion about how there have been times we were meant to be doing something together and he kept getting texted or was texting other people. It's irritating when you are excited to spend some time alone with someone you care about, or on a family day, and the focus is on the phone not on the time spent together. I love that Megan shuts off her cell when she is with others, or even leaves it at home while on a date. It's great that she gives her whole attention to the person that she is with. Sometimes even Laura and Stuart will take some time getting back to us when we text them. It's fine! The text is there, they will get to it when they can.

Now I know that there are exceptions. I check my phone sometimes when I am with another person because Danielle will let me know ahead of time that she needs some help with something, or if Josh is trying to get a hold of me I know it's urgent. But I really do try my best to pay attention to the person I am talking to. I can always read a text later. I don't want to insult the person I am supposed to be having a conversation with. However it seems that we, as a society, are fostering anti social behavior by not taking the opportunity to speak face to face or by ignoring those who are right there with us, standing in our presence. This morning I was speaking on the phone to my mother in law when Danielle called on my cell. I hit ignore and then immediately sent Dani a text letting her know what was happening. We made arrangements to talk later. Simple.

I also hope that if you were saying your prayers and heard a text come in you wouldn't tell God he had to wait while you checked the message. Sometimes it's too easy to put Him on the back burner for lots of different reasons. In reality, He's the one we need to pay attention to the most. His messages aren't always loud and spelled out either. That's why you have to be still and really listen.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

What's up with you?

Lately Molly, our Min Pin, who by the way is way over weight because she's been sneaking cat food, has been charging at the cat. The cat is just innocently walking by and Molly will jump up from where ever she is and start chasing the cat. I have become quite irritated with her.

I think it is because she likes to sit by Mark and watch TV with him in the evening. Because she likes company she takes a little nugget of dog food and chooses various places around the house to hide them. She sometimes even growls at me. (Stinker) Last night, after one of her episodes, I took her straight to her kennel. Mark can't stand thinking we are unkind so she didn't stay their long. I wonder, who really rules the roost?

CH_ CH_ CH_ CHanges!!


Time waits for no one and keeps marching on. And with the passage of time comes growth and change. This building has been first our stake center then our ward building and now we may be growing up and moving on.

When we first moved into our home almost 16 years ago we were sent to the church building in Lake Stevens. It was weird to live in one stake area and attend in another. A special "deal" had been struck between two stake presidents so that the Granite Falls area would be strengthened. It was hard work but great training and a connection with some wonderful people.

After about 4 years we were back in Marysville in the 5th ward. That didn't last too long and then we were in a new ward, the 6th ward. Every once in awhile a few tweeks have been made and we have lost a few of our friends to other wards, but we still have that connection.

Today we are having a special meeting to realign all the ward boundaries in Marysville. There are a lot of thoughts about what will happen swirling around. It will be interesting to see what the Lord wants to have happen. Having had Mark be involved in some changes several years ago I know that the information is pretty closely guarded. In fact even his own family didn't know what Mark was helping with. The only thing we knew is that, when it was over, Salt Lake gets the suggestions for the ward then approves it or not based on active Priesthood holders.

I know that this is probably toughest on the youth. It is hard for leaders because they want to move forward but don't know how. But it is also exciting to know that the Lord's kingdom is moving forward on the earth, that our area is growing and that we are making a difference. We all love our ward family/friends.

As Fono said today, I am glad that I was born with the gift of the gospel in my life and that I didn't have to wait for someone to find me and share it. It is an exciting time to be living.

Friday, January 8, 2010

On My Own

I miss the days that might have been

The days of comfort, warmth, security

The Brady kids and Beaver too

Whose homes were what we wished ours could be.

Places where you were always loved

People around who would always care

Knowing that you would be heard

If thoughts and feeling were ever shared

But wishing doesn’t make it so

Hearts are broken, scarred or torn.

Burdens carried for a lifetime

Longing just to be reborn

Hope is carried in the heart

It hides itself so deeply there

And waits impatiently for the touch

Of one who heals all earthly cares

Our Savior, Master of Heaven and Earth

Knows what it means to be betrayed,

To stand alone,

To feel dismayed

But love of God and all mankind

Drove him to complete His task

He honored each and every one

By doing what the Father asked

Though bruised and broken I may feel

And though I had no Brady home

My Savior has stood by my side

And I am one of his very own.