It's a great way to spend the day with your family enjoying the sun, the laughter and most especially the companionship and love. It's fun to watch all the animals. You never know what they'll do next. We see something funny almost every time.
Although these are not all from the same visit, and one is actually a poster, they are all shots that make me smile. We have seen animals at several different zoos over the past year and I have begun to realize that some animals remind me a lot of humans.
For instance this giraffe could actually be a youth letting his or her parents know exactly what they think of that curfew time. Or maybe what they think of their homework. Or maybe it's that little trouble maker in Primay. It could even be Grandpa Jack playing around with the kids. (Check out the moustache.) And look at those eye lashes!!! Girls always seem to be jealous of boys because of their great lashes. I think giraffe's have them beat!!!

It is the same with humans and that sweet tenderness between parents and children. As they learn to grow and walk and are so proud of their accomplishments mom and dad aren't too far away just in case they are needed.
I'm glad God created such beautiful creatures to gladden our hearts and bring us joy.
Woo Hoo! Play time!!! The two boys wrestling or dad rolling around with them. Or how about all the times the kids pull moms hair as babies because it's right there and it make a great handle. I can also envision all the moms and dads chasing their kids down the hall at church or in the chapel because the little ones think it's a great game. Or maybe they just want a little attention and we've been sitting still too long.
Patience. . . the word of the day.

After a three hour block on Sunday, chasing the kids, who wouldn't be worn out? Or maybe this is part of the high priest group? (Tee Hee! Just kidding.) More than likely it is one of the young men in the back of the Sunday School class!!!
In reality I love my ward, my calling, my family, and I think it's fun to see how animal families can be a lot like ours.